Welcome ...

… to the world of anime cels! You will find cels from many, many series - especially from the genre "Magical Girls" but also from well known old and new series. And maybe you even find cels from series you never heard about before ^^ All cels shown are original production cels for tv shows, movies or merchandising, hand-drawn and one of a kind. I hope you enjoy!

Please do not use cels from my site,  I'd rather you made a link.  Please do not directly link to any page other than the homepage at "www.anime-cels.net". If you just want to use one or two cels for decoration or making a logo, please inform me briefly and I will certainly never say no :-) All cels are NOT for sale!

Wedding Peach cel gallery
Old Cel Gallery
Sailor Moon cel gallery
Cel gallery
Magical Girls cel gallery
Cel gallery